To sign up as a new member or to renew your membership for one year, make your generous tax deductible membership contribution below.

Please note: Membership organizers returning more than 20 membership applications in one week must use a membership application package only. All other membership application forms will be rejected. Contact the BC NDP Provincial Office to get a membership application package at

Contribution Amount (minimum $10)
Other Amount $
Total Amount
Membership Online Sign Up
* I declare that I am using my personal credit card to donate on my own behalf, and I am a BC resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
Direct Debit
Agreement Your account data will be used to charge your bank account via direct debit. While submitting this form you agree to the charging of your bank account via direct debit.
Name and Residential Address
You can find your Transit number, Bank number and Account number by inspecting a cheque.
Please enter them below without any punctuation or spaces.